Engage with knowledgeable speakers, presenting topics of health, compassion, and environmental regeneration.

Dani HallThe Environmental Benefits of Living a Vegan Lifestyle11:00am
Bobby SudUp Close and Personal with Animal Suffering12:00pm
Dr. Faraz HarsiniIs the End of Modern Medicine Near?1:00pm
Angela Persaud-Reddy, MDRenew with Lifestyle Medicine2:00pm
Chris Peed – The Vegan SheepdogFinding Your Why!3:00pm
Vegan EvanSpeaker Coordinator

Vegan Evan - Speaker Coordinator

World’s Youngest Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator

VeganEvan is a passionate and talented young animal advocate committed to creating a healthy, compassionate, and regenerative world. He is the Youth Ambassador for APlantBasedDiet.org and a spokesperson for the Solutionary Species movement. Evan is the World’s Youngest Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator.

He has spoken in front of large audiences at several major events throughout the country including the What the Health-Cowspiracy Conference, Central Florida Earth Day, the Animal Liberation Conference, the National Animal Rights Conference, Asheville Vegan  Fest, VegFest Oahu and so many more!!

He has been awarded the Russell Simmons Creative Animal Hero Kids Award, and in 2016, he earned PETA’s Cutest Vegan Kid award.  In 2017, he was awarded the Shining World Leadership Award for Compassion from the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association. VeganEvan is a voice for the animals everywhere he goes! He enjoys leafleting, protesting, doing marches, Open Rescue, Cooking Demos, disruptions, and making videos and rap songs! Evan also participates in Anonymous for the Voiceless Cubes of Truth and Vigils with the Save Movement wherever he travels.

Most of all, he loves visiting all his rescued friends at the sanctuaries where they’re happy, safe & free from harm! 


Dani Hall

The Environmental Benefits of Living a Vegan Lifestyle

Dani is an ecologist, environmentalist, avid birder, gardener, and author. She is also a long-time vegan and activist in environmental, animal welfare, and social justice rights. Dani has researched habitat fragmentation and loss as it relates to resource acquisition  by migratory bird species. She has over twenty years of wildlife rehabilitation experience and she is the former hospital director for the Seaside Seabird Sanctuary. 

Dani has lived in the Tampa Bay area with her husband Brent for over twenty years and they have recently converted their property into a certified native wildlife sanctuary and food forest. Dani provides nature walks in the Tampa Bay area to increase eco literacy and to foster a greater passion for our planet. She also has a YouTube channel called Peaceful Bird Gardens where she teaches about veganic gardening and providing habitat for wildlife right in our own backyards.


Bobby Sud

Up Close and Personal with Animal Suffering

Bobby Sud is an accomplished filmmaker and a recognized vegan activist who is closely involved with the movement. 


Bobby works closely with LA Animal Save and The Humane League. To say he is passionate about animal rights does not even begin to describe the person that he is. Bobby is incredibly courageous, determined, kind, and completely selfless in his approach. We talk about his personal journey of finding health and wellness, his activist journey and the work he does today, including vigils, non-profit animal right organizations he works with, his filming career and much more. Some parts of the conversation may be hard to listen, but I ask you to stick with us. 


The hope is that you hear what Bobby has to say, and walk away with a unique new perspective only you can experience.



Dr. Faraz Harsini

Is the End of Modern Medicine Near?

Dr. Faraz Harsini is a biomedical scientist and the CEO and founder of Allied Scholars for Animal Protection (ASAP), a non-profit that supports students who are serious about advocating for animal and environmental protection, public health, and pursuing careers that can make the most difference. With ASAP, he is leading the effort to build a comprehensive and sustainable infrastructure for animal advocacy in universities. He is also a Bioprocessing Senior Scientist at Good Food Institute, where he works on advancing scientific and technological methods to produce alternative proteins on a large scale.

Dr. Harsini’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, with a focus on process design and nanobiotechnology. He also has a Master’s degree in biotechnology and cancer research, as well as a PhD in Cell Physiology and Molecular Biophysics. He has extensive experience in discovering and developing therapeutic proteins for  diseases such as COVID-19, influenza, cancer, and inflammatory diseases in the biopharmaceutical industry as a Protein Expression and Process Development scientist. Today, he leverages this experience to promote veganism, in addition to advanced and human-relevant alternatives to animal testing that are better for humans and animals.

Additionally, he leverages his personal experiences as an immigrant, first-generation college student, and LGBT community member to raise awareness about the interconnectedness of human and animal oppression. Dr. Harsini believes that the root cause of many global issues affecting humans and animals is linked to the food system. Therefore, he aims to change the food system and support students to become future leaders in animal protection through ASAP.


Angela Persaud-Reddy, MD, MBA, DipABLM

Renew with Lifestyle Medicine

Dr. Angela Persaud-Reddy has practiced internal medicine both as an inpatient physician (Hospitalist) and an outpatient physician (Internist) for well over 15 years. She is currently board certified in both Internal Medicine and Lifestyle medicine.

Dr. Persaud-Reddy is focused on helping her community grow and understand the power of lifestyle medicine and disease prevention. Realizing that the root cause of most chronic diseases are diet related, she has made it her mission to empower as many people as she can about lifestyle choices. She is a public speaker educating communities throughout the Tampa Bay area.

Dr. Persaud-Reddy is a mom of three children who focuses on the health and wellbeing of her family along with her community. Enjoying family time, the great outdoors, building communities, and cooking plant-based meals, are among some of her passions. 

Chris Peed – The Vegan Sheepdog

Finding Your Why

My name is Chris, online I communicate with people across social media as The Vegan Sheepdog. My screenname is a personification of my spirit, my feelings, my instincts, my intuition, and my passion for speaking up for others, encouraging, educating against supporting animal cruelty, and much more.

I’m going to discuss animal rights, touch on animal cruelty, and ultimately try to help you and others to find your WHY. This is going to be a little different from person to person, but I think by sharing some of my journey and experiences that I can help others find their voice too. I’m going to discuss the benefits of animal rights activism, how to get involved, and how you can use your voice to have a positive impact in this world.